I’ve thought a lot about this blog. Slow Cooker Quinoa has kind of had me stumped.
Quinoa was the subject of my first blog over two years ago. I didn’t want to go down that same research based path again. I’ve already told you about its origins and stellar nutritious powers. Also, I don’t do a whole lot of crock pot cooking anymore. Crock pots and slow cookers are a great appliance when preparing food for families and pot lucks. Cooking for one and crock pots don’t really go together.
I have a small 1.5 quart crock pot that is a pretty, bright yellow, so I pulled it out and set it on my kitchen counter hoping its cheery look would inspire me. It didn’t. So I left. It was a beautiful, sunny Saturday in October with temperatures hitting the low seventies, not a day to be inside making up recipes. Also it was a perfect day to work on my biggest project.