Happy & Healthy in the New Year

Getting a Happy and Healthy Start to the New Year

We may have just found the key to happiness—a daily dose of fruits and veggies. We are all well-aware that fruit and veggie consumption has been linked to various health benefits such as lowered risk for heart disease, cancer, and high blood pressure, but did you know that science has found that people who eat more fruits and veggies are actually happier, have increased life satisfaction, and better mental well-being?1

Researchers from the University of Warwick analyzed dietary habits of 80,000 British women and men.1 Over a 24-month period, it was found that extra servings of fruits and veggies led to increased happiness levels and that consumption of 7-8 servings per day led to the happiest people. Just how much happier are these individuals? According to the study, if an individual went from eating no produce to eating eight servings per day over the 24-month period, they experienced a 0.24 increase on average in their happiness score (scored 1-10). Although that may not sound like a large boost, the increase can be compared to the feeling of going from unemployed to employed.1

With just 1 in 10 adults meeting the recommendations for fruit and veggie consumption, researchers (and dietitians alike) hope this added benefit of fruit and veggie intake, increases people’s motivation to consume more.2

With health-related New Year’s Resolutions in full-gear, this is the perfect time to add more fruits and veggies to your diet. Look for creative ways to boost your consumption, such as adding seasonal produce to classic Midwest dishes. Try one of our team’s favorite easy breakfast recipes: Apple Cranberry Oatmeal Bake.

Looking for more ways to boost your fruit and veggie intake for you and your family? Check out these kid-friendly recipes 

or head on over to our Dietitian’s Corner for all of our latest recipes, articles and resources!

Happy and Healthy Eating,
Emily, RD, LD


1News & Events. Retrieved December 29, 2017, from https://warwick.ac.uk/newsandevents/pressreleases/7-a-day_for_happiness/

2CDC Newsroom. (2017, November 16). Retrieved December 29, 2017, from https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2017/p1116-fruit-vegetable-consumption.html

Chicken Fajita Salad With Lime-Cilantro Vinaigrette

www.cobornsblog.com - Family, Friends & Food with Jayne


Happy New Year and best wishes in 2018!!

I hope all of you enjoyed a wonderful holiday season together with family and friends! As the New Year starts so do the diets and getting back on track with eating healthy foods. I really like this time of year because Continue reading

Keep Food Fresh With a Vacuum Sealer

www.cobornsblog.com - Family, Friends & Food with Jayne


Hi everyone!!
It’s official… our summer is over and we are full steam ahead into fall and harvest time. If you are like me, we are right in the middle of trying to use up all our vegetables out of the garden so they don’t go to waste.  Continue reading

Squash: Nutritional Benefits and Butter Squash Mac N Cheese Recipe


One of my favorite parts about fall is the change of the produce that’s in season. In my house growing up, we always could count on squash being served at the table, especially this time of year.  When you come in and shop at your local Coborn’s, you’ll have a variety of squash available. How do you know which one to choose? What do you do with it? Many of you, like myself, have recipes passed down from generations on the classic brown sugar squash that you have at Thanksgiving or maybe you’re one who only thinks of baby food when they hear squash. (oh come on, I know many of you are thinking it!)  If you haven’t tried squash before, or haven’t had it for a while, I challenge you to try my favorite squash recipe- see below. It’s been a hit with both adults and children in my house, plus it’s delicious- the whole family will love it! Continue reading

Three Quick Meal Featuring Johnsonville Flame Grilled Chicken

www.cobornsblog.com - Family, Friends & Food with Jayne


I think I spend most of my time in a grocery store but I’m thinking that is a good thing surrounded by all the fresh meat, seafood, vegetables and other goodies. I was shopping the other day and when I was in the Meat Department I discovered a new item that I just have to share with you.  It is called Johnsonville Flame Grilled Chicken Breasts.   Continue reading

Grilled Food and Wine Pairing

Beneath the Cork with Mike H. Assistant Liquor


Pairing wine with food should be a fun endeavor especially when it comes to summer grilling. Balancing flavors is a good starting place where you don’t want one element to overpower another like a Cabernet might do to shrimp skewers or steak might do to Pinot Grigio. Texture can be important too and is demonstrated well by a wine with tannins cutting through a fattier piece of meat. As I once heard, another way to think of pairing food & wine is to treat wine like another condiment. Try to create a similar effect to squeezed lemon on seafood or pesto on a steak or salad. Finally if all else fails pick a sparkling wine like Prosecco to pair with grilled food as those bubbles can pair with nearly anything. With all that said, here are some old & new favorites I will be enjoying this summer… Continue reading